Ha Ling Peak
Ha Ling Peak Stats
21 August 2005
I convinced Hank and Marc to climb this little one the day after doing Mt Temple, and I had to be back in St. Albert for a family dinner at 5:00. Neither of them were too impressed, but I think they agreed only because I was driving.
We set a quick pace and did this one in 3 hours car to car including 30 minutes on the summit. I was home in St. Albert at 4:30, then showered and at the in-law's house at 4:52.
Hank looking around for the summit register. Mt Rundle (EEoR) behind him.
I think in the distance you can see Mt Temple also.
Troy, Marc, Hank.
Susan likes this one because it "makes you look 12".
21 August 2005
I convinced Hank and Marc to climb this little one the day after doing Mt Temple, and I had to be back in St. Albert for a family dinner at 5:00. Neither of them were too impressed, but I think they agreed only because I was driving.
We set a quick pace and did this one in 3 hours car to car including 30 minutes on the summit. I was home in St. Albert at 4:30, then showered and at the in-law's house at 4:52.
Hank looking around for the summit register. Mt Rundle (EEoR) behind him.
I think in the distance you can see Mt Temple also.
Troy, Marc, Hank.
Susan likes this one because it "makes you look 12".
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