Friday, May 12, 2006

Tower of Babel

Towel of Babel Stats
24 June 2005, scramble with Jim, Erin, and Linda B (from the RMB group).
Went with my Dad and Sister. We met up with Linda at the moraine lake parking lot and hit the Consolation Lakes trail. We got some concerned looks from the bus loads of gawkers when we breezed right on by the bear restriction sign. However, the Consolation Lakes trail marks the boundary of the restricted area, and the Tower of Babel lies outside of it.
After a few minutes, we headed up the scree gully. I found the right hand wall of the gully offered small pockets of scrambling that avoided some of the scree. Near the top, the amount of scree decreases and the rock turns orange.
After you top out, it's an easy walk to the summit plateau to enjoy the view on some ancient furniture.
At the top of the gully, we met Bill, another scrambler from the RMB group. Who, on his way down rescued my sunglasses that I had watched skid down the gully and decided to look for on descent.

Grovelling up the scree.

Heading to the summit plateau. Mt Temple dominates the background.

This is the only picture I took with the furniture in it.
There's a sofa, chair, coffee table, and a TV.
Above my Dad's head is Eiffel Peak, on the leftern (I reserve the right to invent words) edge of the photo is Deltaform and Neptuak Mtns.

Linda, Erin, Jim, Troy and the Valley of the Ten Peaks.

Beginning the descent, this shows the orange rock at the top of the gully.


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