Friday, May 12, 2006

Mount Temple

Mt Temple Stats
20 August 2005, scramble with Hank and Marc.
Even with the hordes of people, I really enjoyed this one. Maybe it's because it's an 11,000'er, the weather was also fantastic, allowing endless views. We could even see Mt Assiniboine, 66km away.
The approach to this mountain takes you through Larch Valley which is subject to bear restrictions for most of the summer. We had no problems teaming up with others at the parking lot to make the minimum group size of six. In fact I think we had a group of nine including one person from Calgary, two from Toronto, and three Dr's from Lacombe.

Hiking towards Sentinel pass, Mt Temple above.

Above Sentinel Pass enroute to the grey band.
Behind Hank and Marc is Paradise Valley. Just out of view on the left is Mt Hungabee, to it's right is Ringrose Peak, Glacier Peak, and Mt Lefroy. A glimpse of Mt Victoria is on the right.

My ass.
This is the grey band, here is am checking out a chimney that we would use to descend. For the ascent we used an easy (well, not easy, but not hard either) upclimb to the right of this feature. This is all to the right of the gully recommended by some.

The Yellow Band. There are plenty of options for getting through here.

Hank eyes up the final slog to the 11,625' summit.


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